Better Stake than sorry

Make staking fun

Throughout 2023, LuckyStake has competed in deferent hackathon, focusing on making staking fun, throughout the bear market.

During the year, we rewarded our stakers with Lucky Rewards.

This phase is now complete. LuckyStake is now a validator "like any other".

And we are now fully focused on making Solana the safest and most efficient network.


Validators are the core of the blockchain. They execute transactions and run the network.

They vote the blocks produced by the other validators (consensus) and also produce blocks themselves.

It helps to secure the network.

The more active stakes a validator has (activated stake), the more blocks he can produce.

Thus, the choice to entrust your SOLs to a validator is an important one. Moreover, building a community around the validator allows you to know which team you delegate your SOLs to.


Simply put, staking is the process of blocking one or more SOLs in a validator.

In exchange, at the end of each period (called Epoch, which is about 2.5 days long on Solana), the user receives rewards, which he or she receives on a Stake account, in SOL.

The rewards are determined by the number of blocks voted and the percentage of commission applied by the validator.

It is possible to unstake your SOLs at any time, but they can only be withdrawn once the Epoch is over (approx. 2.5 days). Furthermore, there are some liquid staking forms, if you want to benefit from them immediately (involving a few additional costs).


You can use the website to facilitate your experience and to follow the performance of the validator. But you can prefer to use directly the Staking functionalities proposed by the main Wallets (Phantom, Solflare). This way, you can interact directly on Solana without going through a third party site.

The validator server is hosted by Latitude in enterprise-grade infrastructure and is operated with the highest standards of security (connection by SSH key only, brut-force attacks protection, firewall, ..) and monitoring (monitoring system hosted on a second server).

The validator have three keypairs (identity, vote and autorized withdraw). Only the identity keypair, required for the operation of the validator, is hosted on the server. The vote keypair is stored with a standard encryption protocol (256-bits AES). The withdrawal authority keypair is stored on a hardwallet.

Please note that Solana's Stake program does not allow the validator to have access to the SOLs at any time. You keep full custody of your SOLs.

Lucky Stake validator:

Name: Lucky Stake

Identity: TiMxX1yasS4CiGyRcnn7sy9T2fvaNdFpkf8tFDhhDkG

Vote account: Luck3DN3HhkV6oc7rPQ1hYGgU3b5AhdKW9o1ob6AyU9

Last updated